Sunday, August 30, 2009

Be aware of what guy's filling air on gas station

What you will never figure out is how you suddenly got a flat tyre while filling air at a gas station.

What actually happened is that, you didn't see it coming.
The guy filling air at gas station are actually associates of a adjacent shop [repair flat tire's]. Giving bad meaning to the term 'Associates'. Nevertheless, what they do is while filling air in your Tyre, they either cut it using blade or loosen the valve.

This has been a practice applied to all those who don't monitor these guy and sit inside there vehicle thinking nothing is going to happen.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cheat Delhi Traffic Police Speed Check

you can cheat Delhi traffic police speed checkers by following some basic things
1) Follow some other car, this will hide your number plate
2) If you reduce your speed to 60-65 km/hr well before 100-120 feet of the speed checking car[white sumo]
3) Best on is to, avoid center of the road, this is based on the fact that these machines are fixed on particular area on the road to take picture of the high speed cars. As it all happens in split seconds, they need to focus the device on aprticular part of the road. Hence they cant cover the entire width of the road.

You can also try shaking the car of you think you don't have time to do any of the above things as this will decrease the chances of having a clear picture at high speed.